How to Create a Free Text QR Code in 7 Steps

QR codes come in different forms, and all of them serve a unique purpose. While dynamic QR codes are often appreciated for their trackability features, text QR codes offer a powerful simplicity.

They can help you share important information and messages with your colleagues or family. 

Whether you are a business owner looking to connect with customers, a creative professional showcasing your portfolio, or simply someone wanting to share a special message, this solution has got it all. 

Let's see what exactly a this QR code is, its features and benefits, and how to create your own with a free QR code generator.

Table of Contents

    1. What is a QR code for text solution all about? 
    2. Create a QR code using Free QR Code Generator
    3. What makes text QR codes stand out?
    4. Additional tips and considerations
    5. Different ways to use a QR code for text message
    6. Other QR code solutions as alternatives
    7. Create your own QR code that shows text with the free QR code generator
    8. Frequently asked questions 

What is a QR code for text solution all about? 

This QR code contains information in the form of a text message with numbers or characters. When you scan it, it will display a particular message on your screen.

It is a simple and quick way to share information such as contact number, invitation, email, or event details. 

Unlike dynamic QR codes, the information is directly copy-pasted in text-based QR codes. Upon scanning, the code reader application decodes the pattern and convert QR code to text or visual data. As a result, the message is displayed on the screen.  

These QR codes are perfect for sharing data that doesn’t need any immediate upgradation, let's say, an invitation, product description or personal details.  

Create a QR code using Free QR Code Generator

Creating a code for this purpose is a pretty simple and straightforward process. Here is how to get started: 

Pro-tip: When you click on the more button and sign up for an account, you’ll get access to different dynamic QR code solutions for FREE!

  • Click on the 'Text' option. 
  • In the text field, type the text message you want to convert into a QR code. 
  • Click on 'Generate' to create the QR code image.
  • Choose from the different customization options to choose your QR code design. You can pick from different colors, adjust the size, or add your brand logo to make it more attention-grabbing. 
  • Save the generated QR code as an image file (JPEG or PNG) to your computer. 
  • Scan it and check if it is working properly. 

What makes text QR codes stand out?

Text or static QR codes are basic but effective tools for sharing information or data in an easy way. Here is how: 

Simplicity: They are the best way to display short and quick messages when you don't need to include the entire context. Use them to display wifi codes, motivational quotes, greetings, and much more.    

Customization: They are more than a QR code that shows text. You can customize and experiment with colors, shapes, and styles as per your design concept.

Plus, you can add your brand logo to make it stand out and align with your branding strategy.  

Compatibility: Static text QR codes can be scanned and read by any smartphone or scanner and opened as a text file by different applications. They also don't need an internet connection to function. 

Cost-effective: It costs 0$ to create a QR code with the Free QR Code Generator. This affordability with the customization and compatibility features, makes QR codes an excellent option to share important information.

Additional tips and considerations

Here are some additional tips that you should know when creating this customize QR code:

Content accuracy

We all know this, but still, let's not forget that these QR codes are static and non-editable once they are generated.

Therefore, always check the accuracy and information in the text you want to encode. A single error can lead to incorrect information, which can be frustrating for users and damage your reputation.   

Character limit

A text QR code can contain almost 1268 characters, which is a reasonable number to deliver a message. Take some time to sort out the content and layout of your message. Keep it simple, minimal, and to the point without unnecessary words. 

Call to action 

Add a clear call to action near your QR code such as ‘ scan me’ or ‘ follow’ to encourage users to scan it. 

Different ways to use a QR code for text message

Let's explore some innovative examples of how you can use these QR codes for professional and personal purposes. 

Social media stats show that 77% of small businesses use social media to connect with their audience. Most of the businesses have a presence on multiple platforms.

Attach your social media link to QR codes and let people follow you there. Place these codes on product packaging, flyers or takeaway bags to encourage easy following and expand your online community. 

Greetings and messages

The joy and warmth of sending greeting messages to your loved ones never gets old. You can use a QR code maker to add a contemporary twist to it.

Surprise your friends with a hidden birthday wish revealed by a scan. Create a personalized Christmas QR code to boost the festive celebrations. These digital surprises can make your celebrations even more special. 

LinkedIn QR codes

With over 1 billion members, LinkedIn stands out as the most reliable professional networking platform. 

Create a QR code that links people directly to your LinkedIn profile and expand your network. Share this code on business cards, marketing materials, or anywhere you connect with a potential collaborator.  

Product information 

This QR code solution may have a character limit but you can still use them for precise product descriptions, ingredients or usage information.

For instance, a dairy brand can use a smart QR code about lactose or allergens information, instead of printing it on packages. 

Creative portfolios

QR codes are an excellent opportunity for artists and professionals to share their creativity with the world. Recruiters are always looking for fresh talent and potential candidates.

Create a QR code and embed your Behance profile link with it. This enables anyone to access your resume or portfolio with a single scan.  

Wedding invites

Use QR codes to simplify your wedding arrangements. Create a customized QR code for wedding invitation and share RSVP details, venue location or menu with your guests.

You can also add a QR code with a link to the wedding playlist or online album and let the guests fully immerse in the wedding celebrations.     

Other QR code solutions as alternatives

Here are some alternative QR code types that offer additional features beyond text QR codes. 

SMS QR code 

An SMS QR code contains a phone number with a text message. When a user scans this code, they are redirected to a text message with a phone number. 

Wifi QR code

A wifi QR code connects customers with a wifi network without manual input of a network name or password. It usually contains a network name (SSID), wifi password and encryption ( WPA, WPA 2, etc). This makes them convenient for sharing internet access with guests, customers or students.  

VCard QR code 

A Vcard QR code is a digital business card that contains necessary information about a professional's contact details. This can be your name, address, email, or company details.  

Create your own QR code that shows text with the free QR code generator

Text QR codes are the most convenient way to share information. They are more than just simple codes for messages.

From increasing your social media following to sharing professional details and adding a touch of magic to celebrations, these QR codes offer endless possibilities. 

To enjoy the full benefits of QR codes, choose a platform that understands your needs and offers customized solutions.

Sign up for the free QR code generator today and start creating as many QR codes as you want for free. 

Frequently asked questions 

How is text encoded in the QR code?

QR codes convert data or text into a visual pattern of black and white squares. It is done by using different data encoding modes based on the text type, such as numeric for numbers, alphanumeric for letters and numbers and byte for characters. 

How much text can a QR code hold?

The capacity of a QR code depends upon its particular type and encoding model. Generally, the text solution can hold up to 300 characters, while a dynamic QR code holds around 4296 characters. 

Can you text a QR code by SMS?

You can not directly text a QR code. SMS messages have a text-character limit. However, you can send a link to a website where the QR code image is hosted. The viewer can access the QR code by visiting the link.