QR Code For Thanksgiving Day: Making The Day Extra Memorable

Thanksgiving can be extra fun and unique this year with a slight twist of tech—the QR code for Thanksgiving Day is here to help you create an even more memorable day.

When people scan this code, it can take them to different multimedia resources, like photos, video, audio, and links that will bring your Thanksgiving celebration to the next level.

Check out how you can creatively use QR codes for all these magical things possible through a free QR code generator that you can trust.

What is Thanksgiving Day?

Before diving into how this free QR code generator can help you, let’s go back first to the history of Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving Day is an annual celebration in the United States and Canada, held every fourth November, the day before Black Friday.

It is a celebration of gratitude for the fruitful year and bountiful harvest. Traditional Thanksgiving meal usually includes roasted turkey with bread and potato stuffing, cranberries, and pumpkin pie.

Families either stay at home and have a meal together or go out of town to travel.

But to add excitement to your celebration, here are five QR code ideas you can incorporate on Thanksgiving Day:

5 Thanksgiving Day QR code ideas

Interactive recipe cards

When families are not out for a getaway, they must be at home and prepping for a hearty meal. Unfortunately, not everyone is familiar with how to cook some of the famous traditional meals.

You can create a video tutorial on the step-by-step process to help using a QR code for video. It will make meal preparation interactive and engaging.

What’s more? If you’re in a retail business with products primarily needed for Thanksgiving meals, you can take this as an advantage to get more sales.

By adding a recipe guide to each product, consumers will find it convenient—giving you an edge over other brands. 

Gratitude wall

Text thanksgiving QR code

Since Thanksgiving is all about gratitude, why not innovatively give thanks? You can set up a gratitude wall, but instead of actual messages, use a text QR code.

Family members and friends can create their own e-card Thanksgiving QR code for free with their messages on it. Print all these codes and attach them to the wall.

It will add a fun atmosphere when everyone starts scanning the code and guessing who made the message.

Businesses can also add this to their establishments, especially during sales. Who knows? Some customers might want to say their thanks as well!

Customized playlist sharing

Create a lively ambiance to really embody Thanksgiving Day by adding music to the celebration. 

You can use an MP3 QR code or URL QR code that directs users to an online playlist with your family’s all-time favorite songs. 

Place this QR code around the house so others can access these songs anytime, even after the celebration. 

Virtual greeting card

Thanksgiving is not just about giving thanks to family members but appreciating everyone around you who has helped you achieve all the blessings this year.

If written or encoded, messages cannot suffice your desire to express your gratitude; you can also use a virtual greeting card.

Employers and business owners may use video QR codes and send them to their employees to express their gratitude for the hard work they exert in running the business. 

Electronic invitation materials

Landing page thanksgiving QR code

For families holding out a Thanksgiving meal at home, one way to creatively invite relatives and friends is through e-invitation.

It eliminates the need to print physical cards and have them delivered to everyone’s place. By using an e-invitation, you can just send everyone a digital one.

You can use the H5 editor QR code solution for this. It allows you to create a personalized landing page, which you can freely design on your own. You can also redirect existing QR codes’ data to a new design anytime.

How to create a QR code for Thanksgiving Day

QR codes are relatively easy to create. All you need is to follow these general steps:

  1. Go to the Free QR Code Generator online.
  2. Choose any QR code solution that you wish to use
  3. Provide the required data to proceed with the code generation
  4. Hit on the generate QR code button
  5. Customize your QR code. You can modify the colors, frames, eye shapes, pattern styles, logo, and call to action.
  6. Run a test scan on your QR code to check if it’s working properly. 
  7. Download in SVG or PNG format, print, or share your QR code.

Why Free QR Code Generator?

This QR code software has 20 different QR code solutions and a wide array of customization features to help you produce unique-looking QR codes.

Its user-friendly interface allows everyone to navigate it swiftly; its features are easy to understand, and even non-tech-savvy can use this software without help from anyone.

This QR code maker also offers amazing free deals through its freemium version. You get to enjoy and use both dynamic and static QR codes for free!

How to properly customize your QR code for events like Thanksgiving?

Custom thanksgiving QR code

Follow these simple steps to customize your QR code properly:

1. Maintain proper contrast. Your pattern must always be darker than your background. It’ll be easier for scanners to detect the important points if you have proper contrast.

2. Avoid using pastel and light colors. These colors are hard to detect.

3. It would be best to add a logo that represents the content of the code. For instance, a stuffed turkey as a logo can instantly give people a hint that this is a QR code for Thanksgiving Day.

4. If you intend to embed large data on your QR code, use a dynamic solution. No matter how heavy the data is, it will not affect the density of the code, which results in easy-scanning.

5. Add a call to action tag in your code to give scanners an idea of what to do with the code. This will increase your scan analytics.

What industries can benefit from this QR code?

Other than families and friends, other industries can also benefit from this QR code technology. Check out the list below for your guide.

Retail and eCommerce

The retail and e-commerce industry can highly benefit from the use of QR code for Thanksgiving day, especially in creating and performing sales during the day.

They can use a retail QR code to disseminate voucher codes or coupons. When customers scan this code, it’ll be easier for them to get the code that they can use to avail items at discounted prices.

Food and beverage

Restaurant thanksgiving QR code

The food and beverage industry can use QR codes during Thanksgiving Day, especially in restaurants and cafes. 

They can use a QR code for the menu, so when users scan the code, they get a digital view of the menu in more vibrant and adjustable figures. It eliminates the need to print menus, which can be a huge cost-saver.

Having a digital menu during a surge of customers will surely help in faster service.

Hotels and accommodation

Hotels are the go-to place for families wanting to unwind and relax during Thanksgiving. It’s important to make their stay as comfortable and convenient as possible.

Businesses like this can use QR codes in many possible ways. They can use QR codes to share to clients their service and room rates via the PDF QR code.

They may also use this QR code to collect responses from clients after their stay; feedback contributes a lot to making better strategies.

Entertainment services

Url thanksgiving QR code

Entertainment houses like bars and music lounges may also use QR codes for early check-ins. This will ensure that the place won’t be too crowded on Thanksgiving day.

Customers can sign up for a reservation first using the Google Form QR code; post this on your site for easy access. When scanned, it opens up a signup form that customers can instantly sign up for using their smartphones.

Some TV shows also host a Thanksgiving parade for everyone to attend. But if you can’t be personally there, you can always watch it online through QR codes. How to watch the Thanksgiving Day parade online?

Scan a URL QR code that leads to the live stream of the event.

Travel and tourism

The tourism industry is also busy during Thanksgiving, catering to those who want to unwind and travel for a while. 

Thanksgiving Day QR codes may serve as maps so tourists no longer need to hire a guide or frequently ask locals. The government or person in charge can create a location QR code for each significant spot. 

This will be easier for tourists to follow on their own, providing convenience and boosting tourism in the area.

Celebrate Thanksgiving Day like never before

Thanksgiving is a customary event every year, and you can make this day unforgettable by using a QR code for Thanksgiving Day.

With QR codes, you can do a lot of creative activities that will surely make your family and friends totally enjoy. Make them want you again next Thanksgiving Day without hassle.

The best part? This tool is not only limited to personal uses, even businesses can make the best of this. Create campaigns that will attract more customers during Thanksgiving—without spending much and doing a lot.

Tap on the Free QR Code Generator today and make Thanksgiving Day the best celebration this year.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I create a QR code for a message?

It depends on what message you intend to relay. If it’s a plain text message, then you can use the text QR code or SMS QR code solution.
If you wish to send a video message, an MP4 QR code is the most suited solution. While the MP3 QR code solution is for audio messages.

To use any of the solutions mentioned above, go to the Free QR Code Generator website.

How do I create an event QR code?

To create a QR code for events, you will need to use an event QR code solution. 

This solution requires you to input the event title, location, and both the starting and ending time of the event. You can get this solution from the same software mentioned above.