How To Effectively Use QR Codes In Ads

How many times have you seen viral QR codes in ads online or on TV? You might have even seen one attractive offline ad and scanned it on your way to work or while lining up to get your coffee.

See just how effective that is? But what does it really take to make QR codes for advertising so successful?

For one, you can use a free QR code generator to personalize the code's look and feel so that it reflects your brand’s personality.

The rest, then, is up to you and your creative team to come up with an effective campaign.

This guide will teach you how to make full use of dynamic QR codes for your advertisements to create a compelling and trackable ad.

What’s a good ad if you can’t track its data, right?

Table of Contents

    1. QR code as a tool for advertising
    2. How important is QR code advertising?
    3. Using QR codes in print advertising vs. digital advertising
    4. Creative ways to use QR codes in ads
    5. How do I create a QR code for commercial use?
    6. What are some examples of successful QR code ads?
    7. Make full use of your advertisements using a Free QR Code Generator

QR code as a tool for advertising

QR code advertising offers a high return on investment (ROI) to those who know how to use it effectively.

These two-dimensional barcodes are a fun and interactive addition to advertisements, especially now that everyone carries their smartphones wherever they go.

Users can easily scan and access whatever you want to share, sell, or offer. They can also go through the information at their own pace.

If you really think about it, QR codes in print advertising are that magical portal that seamlessly opens that space from an offline ad to an online experience. The possibilities of using these codes are just endless.

You can also use QR code marketing on digital materials to enhance the whole online experience for anyone who scans the code.

A study on the impact of QR codes on omnichannel customers shows that QR codes “enable customers to process the information more conveniently and efficiently, supporting the overall thought process and, by that, creating cognitive value.”

The study also notes that other forms of sharing information, such as direct video playback, may “demand more” from customers, who simply want to know the product’s core benefits.

If QR codes in ads are quite enticing to see, scanning them just adds more layers of interest as they reach people on a personal level.

Through this, user participation is encouraged, which then increases engagement and drives more conversions.

How important is QR code advertising?

Competition is tough these days. Aside from the value of your products and services, what you’re really competing for in this world of overstimulation is your target market’s attention.

Gone are the days of witty offline ads with zero calls to action and untrackable engagement data. 

While they make for a nice read, you can’t really tell if the people who read it have gone to your store and bought what you offered; no accurate engagement data and no conversion journey to follow.

If you want to make your offline or Facebook ads more effective, dynamic QR codes are the way to go. With them, you can track the number of scans, time and date, location, and even the device type.

This provides you with valuable insights into customer behavior, allowing you to refine your offline and online advertising strategies every time that can turn a curious bystander into a happy customer in one scan.

An examination of  purchase intention and customer satisfaction shows that QR codes in ads “eliminate several barriers, such as delayed response, one of the causes of loss of interest.”

The study also finds that “marketers can get a huge return on investment and response rate from their campaign activities through integrating [a] QR code.”

Using QR codes in print advertising vs. digital advertising

Print and digital are the two forms of advertising we have today. 

Print advertising is the use of newspapers, magazines, brochures, flyers, and billboards to promote a product or business.

Print magazine ads remain an effective method for reaching a specific niche. That’s why, despite technological advancement, we still see these printed materials thrive today. 

In contrast, digital advertising refers to the commercials we see on digital channels and devices. 

Digital ones can target their intended demographic more precisely, be monitored and evaluated in real time, and spread to a broader audience for less money.

User participation is a factor that sets these two apart. 

With QR codes on digital ads, viewers may interact with them in more ways than print, thanks to features like social media links, animations, videos, and other multimedia elements. Make sure to check the most effective YouTube stats for a compelling video ad campaign. 

You can also customize advertising in the digital realm using triggers and algorithms to target specific interests and actions.

But that does not make print ads less effective, as some still prefer reading and seeing promotions on paper.

Creative ways to use QR codes in ads

Before you think that only young or “digital native” people are comfortable using QR codes, research has shown that even older generations can see their usefulness.

So, regardless of your target market and demographic, you can use displays and ads QR code to increase customer interaction with an advertisement and ultimately increase sales. 

These are five examples of how you can use QR codes in advertising:

Share product information

QR codes are a great way to show customers more details about the products they might like. 

For instance, a product packaging QR code might direct consumers to a video demonstration, user reviews, or an online manual.

Some brands have taken it to the next level with Augmented Reality, which adds more layers of interactive power to these campaigns.

Offer discounts and promos

You can use QR codes in ads as a loyalty program to provide perks to customers. A simple scan can take customers to a landing page where they can claim their discount vouchers or codes.

Consumers love deals, so this is a great way to tickle their interest.

Promote events

Conferences, trade exhibitions, and product launches are examples of events that might benefit from advertising with QR codes.

Let users scan the code to go to the event schedule or registration page. 

You can even take it to the next level with your video marketing to show the live countdown and prizes that people can look forward to on the day of the event.

Boost social media platforms

You can entice customers to follow a company’s social media accounts by providing a QR code.

For instance, a QR code on a business card can connect customers with the company on several social media platforms. 

Make the design as eye-catching as possible so people are enticed to scan the code. Your contact details can be automatically saved on their mobile phones.

That’s one way to make a positive statement and a lasting impression.

Attract new customers

Use flyers and brochures QR codes to attract new customers and expand your business’ reach. For example, you can add a QR code to your TV commercial that encourages users to sign up or register.

Make sure it’s a dynamic QR code from Free QR Code Generator so you can track the real-time scan data every time your ad is shown on screen.

How do I create a QR code for commercial use?

Creating a QR code is a relatively simple process. Here are the basic steps:

1. Go to the Free QR Code Generator online.

2. Choose a QR code solution you want to use. Options include file, URL, social media, and more.

3. Provide the details needed. 

4. Generate your QR code. 

Pro Tip: We recommend dynamic QR for an editable and trackable QR code.

5. Customize your QR code. You can change the colors eyes, and frames, add a logo, and even make a QR code call to action.

6. Test your QR code on your device to check for errors.

7. Download your QR code. PNG is good for digital use, while SVG is great for prints.

What are some examples of successful QR code ads?

QR code ads have been making the rounds in pop culture for the last five years. 

Super Bowl LVI

There’s one during Super Bowl LVI, where Coinbase's minimalist QR code ad bounced around the screen. 

This led to a surge in app downloads and crashed their website due to overwhelming traffic. All this, and at a much lower production cost, too!

Burger King

Known for its witty ads, Burger King's "Whopper Detour" also used a QR code to direct users to rival McDonald's locations to unlock a penny Whopper, generating massive foot traffic and app downloads.


The footwear industry also took advantage of the technology. Nike's "Unlock Air" campaign, in particular, used QR codes on limited-edition Air Max shoeboxes to reveal exclusive content and purchase options.

Interactive and incentivized ads like this can create a frenzy among sneakerheads and the younger demographic. 


Coca-Cola, on the other hand, has always been strategic in using QR codes in their ads. Their "Share a Coke" campaign personalized QR codes on bottles, connecting consumers to a virtual share experience. 

Taco Bell and Coinbase

Taco Bell's "Belluminati" also used mysterious QR codes to reveal secret menu items.

If Coinbase has taught us anything, it’s that you don’t need to spend thousands of dollars in production to implement QR codes in ads. 

You, too, could create the next popular ad using these nifty squares.

Make full use of your advertisements using a Free QR Code Generator

Why only choose between digital and printed ads when you can do both with QR codes?

The versatility of QR codes allows you to reach all platforms, increasing your chances of growth and better sales.

Plus, QR codes are easy to make. Just visit the Free QR Code Generator today and create an account.

It has a user-friendly interface that anyone can easily navigate. It also offers comprehensive customization features to help you create a personalized QR code.

Jumpstart your advertisement and reach more audiences with QR codes today.